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PCC Minutes - 16th January 2017

Portslade St. Nicolas & St. Andrew and Mile Oak Good Shepherd

PCC meeting Minutes 16th January at 7:30pm 
in The Church of the Good Shepherd. 
1. Opening prayer Fr A Perry 
2. Apologies for absence Fr. David Swyer, Stuart Hutchings, John Wright 
3. Agreements of minutes Proposed by Fr Andrew Birks, seconded Angela MacMillan. Minutes agreed 
4. Matters arising RBL Women’s Section have accepted the suggestion that this PCC pays half pf the costs associated with Dispensation allowing them to lay up their Standard in St. Nicolas church.   As the final part of the process a letter of support from the Archdeacon is awaited.
5. Correspondence 
Andrew Stove advised us we had a thank you from St. Nicolas school for the donation given and a thanks from cleaner for her Christmas bonus. 
6. Financial report 
Andrew Stove reported that accounts are still being worked upon, so the situation is still as it was last meeting.  The gas supplier change is complete.  There is some confusion about telephone lines into the St Nicolas Parish Centre and who is paying for what.  Gill Wilks offered to speak with Baby Ducks to clarify. 

7. Reports from groups: 


i. Deanery synod (not met) 

ii. Churches Together in Portslade meeting tonight 

8. Reports from Committees 


i. Standing committee (not met) 

ii. Development of St. Nicolas. 
Plans are moving forward slowly.  It is expected that 2017 will be a Fund Raising Year with work starting in 2018, and we think we’ll need to raise in the region of £300k for Phase One.   It has been suggested we bring in local business people people who are experienced at fund raising.  The PCC was asked for people we could approach. (One suggestion given of a local Councillor who comes to church.)

iii. Social and Fund Raising committee (meeting tomorrow) 


iv. Fabric Committee 


v. Mission & Outreach committee (not met) 
9. St. Nicolas school 
Fr A Perry continues to take regular assemblies - the next being on Martin Luther King jnr. Day.  Fr David has been introduced to the school.
10.Any Other Business 
Reminder about APCM on 9th of April. 
11. Closing prayer 
Meeting ended at 8.03pm 
DoNM: 27 February 2017 
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